


b.1954, Korea. 

Park Young Ha is an artist that has focused on creating paintings that incorporate matieres techniques, which involve adding tangible texture to the artwork by utilizing a combination of materials such as fine sand, gold dust, and stone powders. Park's paintings exhibit a texture that evokes the appearance of a clay wall or "buncheong" ware, a type of blue-green ceramic earthenware that originated during the Joseon era. He arranges them in a stack using metal scrubbers and other primitive equipment. Over time, his paintings assimilate the shades and qualities of their surroundings, taking on the hues of tarnished metals such as browns and reds, the dusty blues of adjacent lakes, and the beiges of ancient plaster. Park has drawn inspiration from nature, which is shown in an abstract manner.


Local Songs
April 8 - May 20, 2023